There are ways God touches hearts and changes lives that he can never do in a church building. He needs wide open spaces, crazy songs and campfires, arts and crafts, cabin times, trees, birds, and people swimming in a beautiful lake. That’s why Spokane Valley United Methodist Church has had a decades-long love for our United Methodist Camp called Twinlow, in Twin Lakes, Idaho. Some people say, “Twinlow is where God lives.”
No child is turned away. No financial hardship is a barrier. We raise enough money at our Annual Auction to make sure we have a scholarship for every child and youth. Every kid deserves the opportunity to go to Camp. Our summer camp program is connected to the wider ministry of Christian Camping throughout our Methodist Conference. Check out all our United Methodist Camps here:
Children, youth, and adults are safe, fed great food, and nurtured with a wholesome, Christ-centered approach to faith – filling their spiritual fuel-tanks for an entire year. Until the next year, when we hope they’ll come back. Come join us at Twinlow for our Annual All-Church Campout! Once Every Summer. The church’s “Connections” Newsletter has all the details!