

Boards & Committees

It takes a lot of teams to make the ministry of a local church happen.

Maybe you’re saying “I'M INTERESTED!”

The Nominations Team welcomes you! Please peruse below these titles representing key areas of our church’s ministry, areas vital to Christ’s work. New folks and long-standing members alike are needed.

Would you like more information? Have a question? Please email Pastor Alissa at if you’d like to step into a particular team.  

Your talents and ideas are needed and appreciated. Volunteers are the hands and feet of Christ and the life of the church.

We thank you volunteers!

Your Nominating Committee

A partial list of Boards, Committees, and Teams in the life of Spokane Valley United Methodist Church:

Church Council – meets once a year, or as needed
Coordinating Council
9AM Traditional Worship Planning Team
Prayer Team
Service/Mission Ministry Team
Small Group Ministry Team
Stewardship Ministry Team
Financial Resources Team
Scholarships Team
Memorials Team
Nominations/Lay Ministry Team
Staff Parish Relations Team
Board of Trustees