It takes a lot of teams to make the ministry of a local church happen.
The Nominations Team welcomes you! Please peruse below these titles representing key areas of our church’s ministry, areas vital to Christ’s work. New folks and long-standing members alike are needed.
Would you like more information? Have a question? Please email Pastor Alissa at if you’d like to step into a particular team.
Your talents and ideas are needed and appreciated. Volunteers are the hands and feet of Christ and the life of the church.
A partial list of Boards, Committees, and Teams in the life of Spokane Valley United Methodist Church:
Church Council – meets once a year, or as needed
Coordinating Council
9AM Traditional Worship Planning Team
Prayer Team
Service/Mission Ministry Team
Small Group Ministry Team
Stewardship Ministry Team
Financial Resources Team
Scholarships Team
Memorials Team
Nominations/Lay Ministry Team
Staff Parish Relations Team
Board of Trustees