


Work day at Hearth Homes

Valley Methodist welcomes YOU to be with us as we reach out to others in need.  You’re invited to join us when we do work projects at local ministry sites such as Hearth Homes in Spokane Valley.  Help as we bring loving volunteer time food and encouragement to support the great Elementary School in our area, Broadway Elementary School.   Outreach means being there for people at times in their lives when they need help the most.  The goal of outreach is to create vital, life-giving connections between our congregation and human need right in our neighborhood.  There is great need all around us, and we have a lot to give. 

Outreach is our passion.  Historically mission and service are right up there with music ministry as the heartbeat of our church.  Spokane Valley Methodist Church led the entire city of Spokane Valley in local missions for many years.   The huge and fruitful Food Bank now called Valley Partners began in our building at Spokane Valley United Methodist Church.  The Valley extension of Spokane’s Meals on Wheels Program was started by the youth group of our church in 1973.   

SVUMC Outreach in action


Within the Valley Methodist congregation we seek to open avenues for every member of our church family to have an opportunity to serve.  Our work to inform, educate and share with the congregation about Jesus’ call to minister to the needy, both locally and globally, and engage them in active participation.  None of the ministries require a great deal of time or commitment. However each gives all who participate a sense of God’s work and God’s love each and every day.

Our food ministry provides meals for Crosswalk, St. Ann’s Sunday Lunches.  This group also provides a program called 55+ Lunch and Program for seniors 55 and older.   We participate in Family Promise – a program that provides help to homeless families.   Whole families are housed together at various churches and we provide overnight hosts as well as meals.

Our hands-on and financial support reaches out to: 

Contact Madelyn Bafus

Come get involved!

Contact: Madelyn Bafus
Phone: 509-924-7262

Email Madelyn